1   palette cup (as a rule do I use two)
2   mug  to store bruches and palette-knifes
3   box  to rags
4   brush  cleaner (solvent  for pure oil paintings)
5   waste container (oily rags is inflammable)
6   knife (pencil  sharpen)
7   tongs (sometime is the screw caps almost  pasted)
8   rags (a lot of)
9   sketch books (use them as often you can)
110pencil   ;o ) Yes.
11  drawing charcoal
12  oilbar (to draw or paint with)
13  rubber (If you want )
14  linseed stand oil (this IndroOil is dilutable in  water)
15  palette knife  (broken, use as palette cup cleaner)
16  maulstick  (maybe? I use it once in a while)
17  water mug (maybe water-tap, nearer to, is better)
18  matchbox  (compare size in this picture)
19  tin (soap  and water for cleaning brush`s)
20  tin for scraping (off) paint from the palette or picture

    Painting tip: equipment

Here above can you see some equipment more or less needed for good handy painting.
I recommend use of single palette cups, if you want to use such cups at all. You fastening them on the palette,
and you put your mediums there: terpentine, oil or water.


Good luck
 Odd K. Hauge

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